Wireless Terminals

Wireless terminals are portable versions of the regular wired terminals. They have the exact same UIs as their wired counterparts, except instead of slots for View Cells, they have slots for upgrade cards

In order to pair them with a network, insert the terminal in the top-right slot of a ME Wireless Access Point connected to that network. (The slot with a picture of a wireless terminal on it and an arrow below it)

They must be within range of a ME Wireless Access Point to function.

Their energy can be recharged in a Charger.

Wireless Terminal

Your basic terminal, now portable! View and access the contents of your network's storage and request things from your autocrafting setup from anywhere within the range of a ME Wireless Access Point.

The UI

See terminals


The Wireless Terminal supports the following upgrades:



Wireless Crafting Terminal

The Wireless Crafting Terminal is similar to a regular wireless terminal, with all the same settings and sections, but with an added crafting grid that will be automatically refilled from network storage. Be careful when shift-clicking the output!

The UI

See terminals


The Wireless Crafting Terminal supports the following upgrades:


Minecraft 1.20.5 [change]