The Annihilation Plane

The Annihilation Plane breaks blocks and picks up items. It works similarly to an ME Import Bus, pushing things into network storage. For items to be picked up, they must collide with the face of the plane, it does not pick up in an area.
Annihilation planes can be enchanted with any pickaxe enchantment, so yes, you can put crazy levels of fortune on a few and automate ore processing if your modpack allows it. In addition, silk touch does what you'd expect it to, efficiency reduces the energy cost of breaking a block, and unbreaking gives a chance of not using any energy.
They are cable subparts.
The annihilation plane will only break a block or pick up an item if it can store the resulting drops/items in its network. this means to filter one, you must restrict what can be stored on its network, most likely by putting it on a subnetwork. A ME Storage Bus or cell can be partitioned to achieve this.

Again, it filters by the item drops so, for example, if you want to filter breaking of Amethyst Clusters, you need a plane enchanted with silk touch, otherwise every previous growth stage drops nothing and so the plane will break them no matter what, as the network can always store "nothing".